Friday, October 14, 2011

Rough Days

So I have had a rough couple of days. I haven't been feeling too hot. My pubic bone is killing me. It hurts to walk, it hurts to cross my legs, it hurts to roll over in bed...and I don't get to see my doctor for another 9 days. Tylenol has become my best friend, though, I wish I could take something stronger. This pain is not comfortable...not at all.

So on Wednesday, I nearly killed a a guy over a washing machine. I was standing in the laundry room waiting for someone's wash to finish and they came in as soon as it did and as the pulled their stuff out, I turned to grab my things off the table. As I did this, another guy rushed in and threw his stuff in that washer. I was just dumbfounded. I wanted to choke his brains out. He looked at me and smiled and said, "Sorry." I informed him, "What you did, sir, was rude and unforgivable. You are lucky I believe in karma." I grabbed my stuff and stormed out shouting things about rude, idiotic people.

Later, I had to pick up the kiddo and rush over to the hospital to meet with my internal medicine doctor (who does the gestational diabetes stuff). I took him the results of my glucose test and he said it appeared I didn't have gestational diabetes. I proceeded to tell him that I tried to let my OB know that I might not have it since I had gastric bypass in between my two pregnancies, and then my internal medicine doctor seemed to get upset. "I did not know you had the gastric bypass," he said. I was kind of dumbfounded. Not only had I told the nurse that I had seen several times prior to speaking to him, my OB knew, my regular physician that ordered the test knew, and the lab tech that did the work knew. It was in my records. I just shook my head. He informed me that because of this news, my glucose test was invalid because since my digestive system works differently, that the test could not be correct and could change regularly. So, he has decided that I must keep checking my sugar levels three times a week four times a day and come back in three weeks to see him. 


Yesterday, I went to my basic breastfeeding class. I had attempted to breastfeed my daughter when she was born and only had trouble with it. I want to try again, so I have decided to get as much help with it as possible. I spoke with the lactation consultant about my issues and what happened with my daughter and she thinks she knows exactly what went wrong in that department 6 years ago. So, she has said that she will help me as much as I need once the baby is born and will help me get prepared before. I am very thankful I found her and happy I attended the class. I actually learned a lot, even though I tried to breastfeed before, there was obviously some stuff I didn't know.

I also, yesterday, attempted to get my prescription from my OB filled yesterday. The post pharmacy doesn't carry what I need, so that means I have to go to a German pharmacy to get it and then get reimbursed through my insurance. It is such a pain in the butt. I wish I didn't have to do it, but c'est la vie.

After that, I went over and got Amélie enrolled in her German classes. She starts November 1. She is excited.

Then, I got over to the commissary and picked up a few groceries. I nearly passed out waiting in the line at the deli. I should have known better than to go around lunch time when people were ordering sandwiches. I was getting over-heated and tired from standing for so long...I was actually getting nauseated. Thankfully, I got what I needed and got out before I ended up on the ground. And I got over to the kiddo's school just in time to get her.

And here, as requested by so many, is my first baby-bump picture:

22 weeks along

Maybe I will be able to post one once a week now.

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