Thursday, October 20, 2011

It's Not Even Halloween Yet! But it Feels Like Christmas!

I discovered my cousin has two blogs. That made me happy. Now I can stalk her! LoL You can too! Visit her blogs here: 4 Guys, a Girl, and an SUV and here: Unforeseen Creativity

So yesterday, we got a ton of stuff in the mail. Including some stuff from my mother-in-law, the things to winterize our car, Amélie's jeans and several shirts that I ordered, and my winter maternity clothes. It was like Christmas!! But now, I am not expecting anything else in the mail and I am a little bummed that I don't get that excitement for awhile. LoL Yes, it is like the day after Christmas .

Yesterday morning, I went to MOPS again. I do really enjoy spending the time with other moms. We are going to gather the things for Operation Christmas Child for the next meeting. I have to get a shoe box (whoo! I get to buy new shoes!) and then I think I am going to take the kiddo out next week and get the things for the shoe box and explain to her what we are doing: helping a less fortunate child. I am of course going to let her help me pick out some of things to go into the box...I think it will be a learning experience and I think she will probably enjoy it. If you would like to know more about Operation Christmas Child or participate in it, here is the link to get you started: Operation Christmas Child.

PWOC is also selling handmade Nativity scenes that are safe for kids to play with. They are soft, made from fabric, filled with beans and simply BEAUTIFUL! I am hoping to be able to buy one at the next MOPS meeting. It's a fairly large set (each person in the scene is about the size of a soda can) and the cost is €89,00 (about $123.00). The money goes straight to the women who make them. These women are extremely poor! And this is basically how they support their families. But, I see it as not only being able to help someone less fortunate, but I also see it as a way to teach my child with a play set that she can touch and hold. Yes, we have a Nativity Scene, but my daughter knows she better not touch my glass Christmas decorations!!

And, as I said, my weekly baby bump picture:

Week 23

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