Monday, October 3, 2011

Picky Eaters

Not much happened today. I am looking for recipes that my husband will eat that I can cook on a stove or a microwave since we don't have an oven in the hotel. He is so picky it's crazy. I found a lot of recipes that can be cooked on a stove top, but nothing that he would really like. So I ended up buying Hamburger Helper for dinner. I would rather find something that didn't come in a box. If anyone has any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated. My husband is basically a meat and potatoes type guy. He doesn't like veggies aside from green beans, spinach, raw broccoli and cauliflower, and corn (though that isn't REALLY a vegetable). He doesn't eat pork chops or ham, and he has an issue with texture. I don't get it. But whatever. BLAH.

I got the kiddo home from school and found a permission slip to sign for her to get her flu vaccination at school tomorrow. She could either get the shot or the mist...needless to say, she opted for the mist. It is required for her to attend DoD schools (or she has to have a waiver from the doctor). I'd rather her have the vaccine anyway. I have always been a firm believer in vaccinations and my child(ren) will have all that they need to stay healthy. As well as myself. I actually get my flu vaccine next week, though I don't get the mist, I have to get the shot since I am pregnant, though I would rather be stuck with a needle than have spray in my nose anyhow.

Tomorrow I go to the New OB Orientation class. I think it just gives you information about having a baby in German hospitals and such. It is required for all pregnant soldiers and dependents, so that is what I will be doing in the morning and then I am going to hit up the thrift store to see what they have. I think I might go over to the PX/BX as well and start my Christmas shopping. They have layaway, so that will help a lot. Yay for layaway!

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