Tuesday, October 4, 2011

German Economy Born Babies

So today I went to the New OB Orientation class. I am glad I finally made it in because I actually learned a lot, plus I met a couple of nice women who are due around the same time I am. One thing I did learn about the German economy is that unless there is a problem or complication, the doctor will not be there. The child will be delivered by a midwife who speaks very little English. I DO NOT like this. It's not that I don't trust midwives, but I would rather have someone with lots of medical experience AND preferably someone who speaks my language. This makes me nervous and pretty uneasy. As bad as this sounds, I am hoping for that c-section now. Doc doesn't know just yet 100% sure if I need one (its been six years since my last) and says unless there is a complication, I might not have to have one...he still wants to do further testing on the pre-eclampsia and then determine where to go with that. I know babies are suppose to be born on their own time, but it seems that on top of the midwife thing, that when I go into labor, I have to inform far too many people (God forbid I go into labor at 2AM). I am telling you, once I start having labor pains, calling the MPs will be the LAST thing on my mind....all I will be thinking about is getting that epidural! Ugh. Plus, I also found out that German doctors don't do circumcisions (due to some lawsuit issue). I mean, I don't even know yet if I am having a boy, but that is something my husband has already discussed and we would want it done. Turns out, that the baby would have to be brought in to the clinic here (or taken to Hiedelburg which is what they recommend) and have it done within 30 days of being born or they have to wait until after they are a year old. This is a bit annoying!!!

In other news, I tried going over to the thrift shop AGAIN today. Their hours are so horrible that every time I have been over there they are closed. Then I made it a POINT today to be there during business hours and of course, they were closed. Why? I couldn't tell you! The sign in the window was so small that I couldn't read it from my car window and there was no where to park anyhow. I am so frustrated with this place it isn't funny. I keep hearing how good this place is, yet it appears I am never going to get in! GRRRR!!!!

After all that nonsense, I went over to the PX/BX and started the Christmas layaway. I think I might head over there too after we get our place and start a layaway for baby items too. There is still so much we need, it's ridiculous....and Bo is hell bent on waiting until the last minute to get anything which makes me pretty angry. I know he wants to wait until he can find a "good deal", but I got news for him...this kid isn't going to wait for that sale next summer to get the necessities it needs before it is born. I'm over the halfway mark, it is time to start preparing.

When I got finished with that, I went over and picked up Amélie from school where her friend, Annabell, and her mom joined us at the park. It was nice to get in some adult conversation with someone other than Bo (don't get me wrong, I love my husband, but it helped to talk to someone else...especially a woman). We let the girls play while we talked for about 2 hours, it was nice. I am hoping we get to do it again soon. They live a few buildings down from the one we will be moving into, so at least I will know someone in the neighborhood!

Tomorrow, I am heading to the MOPS meeting in the AM. Hopefully to get some social time in there with other moms and moms-to-be, and then I have to head over to the doc for my diabetic monitoring and such. Thursday appears like it is going to be a busy day as well. Maybe Friday I will get to sleep in.

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