Saturday, October 8, 2011

Cars and Bowling

So yesterday, we finally got the car registered. Unfortunately, it was cold and rainy, so Bo had to put the tags on it in the freezing rain, but at least its all taken care of and nothing has to be done on it until 2013 which is nice. We only had temp tags on it before because we failed inspection due to our struts and a light that was out on the license plate area. Needless to say, we got that fixed as soon as we could so we could get this done and out of the way. Registration here on post is a pain in the booty.

Now, once we get our house (maybe one day), we can get our car accessories that were shipped with our our radio and our floor mats. 

For the most part, we sat around yesterday in the hotel due to the rain. We did go by the PX/BX and looked around. Picked up the kiddo a winter coat since this week it is suppose to get really cold and Bo got a new pair of jeans.

That evening, we decided to go bowling. It was actually pretty fun and if it wasn't for Bo's double strike in the last game, I would have beaten him!! LoL Oh well. The kid loves to bowl and has been asking if she could have a bowling party for her birthday this year (she went to a friend's birthday party at a bowling alley back in the states and had a blast). So last night we booked her party. It will be on November 19. She is super excited. I think Bo and I are going to get her her own bowling ball and case for her birthday. She loves it as well as her dad and I like to tag along just to spend time with my family...and ok...the bowling alley food isn't too bad either. LoL

I also ordered the kiddo some clothes last night from They ship to APO so it was convenient, plus they seemed to have the best prices and I like their clothes. By the way, since her growth spurt, she is in need of EVERYTHING, so if you want to get her something, please, you don't have to twist my arm. Looks like a lot of her clothes that come in with our stuff will either go to the thrift store or storage (depending on the sex of the baby really). But if you want to get her something for her birthday or Christmas, just ask for her size. I will be more than happy to give it to you.

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