Friday, October 7, 2011

Count Your Blessings

Yesterday, I went and got the results of my glucose test back...finally. Turns out I DON'T have gestational diabetes, yet. They want to test again in 8 weeks. I told my OB that with my daughter I was extremely over weight when I got pregnant and since then I had gastric bypass, but he insisted that I would have it with this pregnancy as well. And as much as I like my OB, I just want to say "HA! I can eat those cookies if I want them!"

So afterwards, I went over and picked up dinner from the Commissary. We had microwavable lasagna. I can't wait for the day when I have a stupid oven again. I will never take it for granted...ever. They moved our "move in" date from October 25 to October 29 or they said "possibly November 1". The people will be out by October 17, but apparently they can't get a cleaning crew in there until later. Seriously, take a month off my rent and I will clean it myself! Grrr! I just want a place of my own and out of a hotel. I mean, I am grateful that we are out of the Marriott and have a family "suit" to live in until them, but I want to be able to put things where I want them, use my stuff, not have to fight to do laundry, you know...the little things people don't think about. I am one of those, I was never "grateful" for that stuff, but let me tell you...I SURE AM NOW!!! But my patience is growing thin.

Anyway, after I came home and grabbed a bite to eat, I went over to the school and picked up Amélie to take her to her dentist appointment. She got her teeth cleaned. Dentist said everything looked great, but she was getting her molars in so I should be prepared for a cranky little girl here in the next few weeks. Oh joy.

Then I had my cleaning where the dentist had to work extra hard on my bottom teeth. She couldn't get the floss in between my teeth so she had to get the water pick. I tried not to move, but it tickled so bad I thought I was going to die!! Afterwards I informed her of why I don't really floss...I've gotten the floss stuck between my teeth on more than one occasion. She suggested I get a water a water pick, but they are a bit pricey! Blah.

Then we finally got over to the thrift shop...AT LAST. Where I didn't really find too much. They had no clothes in the kid's size and I only found two maternity shirts (short sleeved of course) that fit me. I found a nighty for the baby and a baby food mill that needs to be cleaned. I wasn't too impressed with the place, it wasn't a lot better than Goodwill, but at least I got a couple things I guess and I can always check back except that they have HORRIBLE hours. Grr.

It is suppose to start getting cold next week and we have no winter clothes. I am a little annoyed with this entire situation. But such is life. We have to live through it and just deal. At least we are better off than some. This move has really shown me to count my blessings.

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