Sunday, October 9, 2011


So today, I am going to start off with a rant (this is a warning).

This morning, I was checking my facebook page and I noticed that one of my cousins posted this as her status: "Sittin by the fire with my honey & some goood frannds♥". Really?! Okay, to be 100% honest, this is stupid. Learn how to spell things people. Don't type lik dis or spell things how you say them like "sittin", or "eatin" or "hangin" and for the love of God do not type crap like: "I dun kno wat 2 do 2day cause Im so brd". Plus, learn the difference between "their", "there", and "they're"...the difference between "board" and "bored". I could go on and on with this crap.

Seriously, people who type like that make my five year old look like a college graduate. GO BACK TO KINDERGARTEN, YOU MORON. It isn't cool. It doesn't make you look smart. It makes you look like a toddler trying to type and it only pisses people off and make them want to slap you across the face with a chair. Those little red squiggly lines under the words you type are there to help you. It is called SPELL CHECK. USE IT!!! 

Rant Complete

In other news...

Yesterday was another rainy cold day. We spent most of the day inside the hotel. We did go over to our "one day" home. It looked empty and no one answered the door. I wish this post would get their crap together and let us move in already. I seriously don't think anyone is living there and as our new home, it is pissing me off that we have to stay in a hotel rather than move into a place that was promised to us and the dates only get moved further and further back.

Last night for dinner I cooked breakfast. It was delicious. I love bacon.

Yup, that's about it.

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