Thursday, October 6, 2011

Good Day Gone Bad

So yesterday started off great!!

First thing after I got the kiddo off to school and kissed the hubby goodbye for work, I went to MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) here on post. I was involved back at Ft. Campbell when my daughter was young enough to qualify and I really enjoyed it. Now that I am pregnant, I am able to attend once again and I met some very awesome moms at the meeting, got to eat yummy food, make some pretty neat wine glass decorations, and got a new book to read (MomSense). I've already cracked open the book and started to read and I am excited to go back to MOPS in two weeks!

When I got back to the hotel, I looked over and saw that laundry had piled up on me yet again. It had only been a few days, but it seems never ending. So I gathered up my stuff and headed downstairs to the laundry room. All the washers were going so I decided to try upstairs. When I got up there, there were three empty washers! I was so happy! I got all my laundry done because I had exactly three loads! It took me a total of about two hours which is the fastest I've ever gotten that much laundry done. 

Needless to say, when I left to get the kid from school and head over to the doctor for my check-up (for my diabetes), I was in a great mood!

When I got to my appointment, my doctor said my levels looked really well, but I needed to come back in a week with my glucose test results. I said that wouldn't be a problem and then I headed next door to my OB because I had a question about some pains I had been having for the past couple weeks. I wasn't too worried about them, but they were beginning to impede my walking and disrupt my sleep, so I thought I would ask if I needed to come in.

The moment I told the receptionist that I was having pains, she told me to go to the ER. I tried to tell her it wasn't an emergency, but she insisted that if I was having pains of any sort that I needed to go to the emergency room.

Amélie and I walked down the hall to the ER where I told the receptionist what was going on and she looked at me like I was speaking another language...which I was. She obviously didn't understand much English and when I told her where I was hurting and then pointed to the area (which happened to be my pubic bone) she just shook her head with a dumbfounded look. I filled out the paperwork to the best of my ability and then I sat down with my daughter where I proceeded to cry. 

My daughter tried to comfort me by petting my face, but that just bothered me more because it felt like she was trying to suffocate me. I know she meant well, but I had to tell her that putting her hands on my face wasn't helping too much, so she just hugged me. I love my little girl, she is so sweet. 

I was crying because I knew that no one knew what I was saying and I really had no way of communicating, I had a five year old with me and I knew I was going to have to have an exam...down now everyone was staring at me and I was completely embarrassed. Plus, I knew there were procedures I was suppose to follow to inform people on post of where I was, but I was completely lost on what to do.

I tired texting phone wasn't getting signal. So now I was getting angry. I called him and I found if I held my head just right that he was able to hear me. I told him what happened and all he could do was ask "why". I told him over and over "I DON'T KNOW". Thankfully he was able to come and get Amélie, but I had to now sit there alone and pray that someone would be able to help me.

Finally, the doctor came out. SHE SPOKE ENGLISH! I was so happy I about peed myself. I told her the situation and she tried to comfort me the best she could. After explaining to her my pains, she did an examination and everything was fine (like I thought it was), and told me my pains were probably just from the bones softening and getting ready for the baby. She told me I should follow up with my OB because he could prescribe me a belt that would help with the pains. That is all I wanted to know to begin with. I wish the receptionist at my OB could have just said that and I would have never had to gone to the stupid ER.

I thanked the doctor repeatedly and met my husband and daughter who were coming in to wait in the waiting room for me at the elevator. I was so worried Bo was going to get into trouble, but thankfully he didn't. But at least I've been to the German ER once now so I know what to expect...and maybe next time I won't cry!!

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