Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I Love My Daughter

Halloween Night -

Amélie had a blast trick-or-treating. We just did around the post we are living on. She made off with a ton of candy though. Admittedly, I ate some, but only that which she had multiples of!! I know, shame on me.

Gold and orange flowers to match her costume!

My pretty little fairy!

Yesterday, I attempted to go get reimbursed for my prescription I had to get filled off-post and make an appointment for Amélie to go to the dermatologist soon. Unfortunately for me, it was  German holiday so I couldn't do either since TriCare uses Germans to work (which is fine, I just picked the wrong day to go).

Then I found out that my hubby had to do CQ (in charge of quarters) which made me a little irate since he did it only two weeks ago. And of course, of all the nights that he is home, last night was the night I probably needed to go to the ER.

I was cooking dinner for the kiddo and myself, when I started to feel a bit woozy and my hands started to shake. I figured my blood sugar was a little low. It was at 68. So, I ate a piece of Amélie's Halloween candy. Not long after, I had dinner. Within the hour of eating that candy, I was convinced I might die.

I got really dizzy, sick to my stomach, my heart started racing, I was seeing I checked my sugar levels again. They went to 148. All I could do was lie down. Thankfully, Amélie got into the shower and then got into bed with me, no problem. I am not sure what I would have done if I didn't have a cooperative child. At that moment, I realized how awesome my kid is and how lucky I am to have her. Of course, all she wanted to do was comfort me. I love my daughter!

Thankfully, I did feel better this morning. I see my internal medicine doctor this afternoon. Hopefully, he can tell me something!

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