Friday, November 4, 2011


Wednesday, I went back to MOPS. I had a really great time with the ladies and of course, enjoyed the food!! At the end of the meeting a little boy, perhaps about the age of two came up to me and latched onto my leg and started crying. A woman came in chasing after him. "Are you his mother?" She asked me. I looked down at the boy a little puzzled and then back to the woman and shook my head telling her "No." She tried to take the boy, but he clung to my leg and started screaming "Momma!!" I scooped him up in my arms and when he finally looked at my face it was obvious I was not the person he was looking for, though he stopped screaming. The woman asked me if I minded carrying him back to the nursery. So, I waddled down the hall holding this little boy who had tears streaming down his cheeks, but kept staring at me. When we got to the nursery, I sat him down and a woman came running up, taking him up in her arms. She looked at me and said, "Thank you." I nodded and told her that I thought he had mistaken me for her at first so that is why I brought him back. She just smiled and thanked me again.

Afterwards, I went and helped carry the Operation Christmas boxes out to a woman's van. One little boy, probably around the age of three would not let go of one of the boxes. When I finally got it from him, he threw an outright fit and started screaming at the top of his lungs. You would have thought I slapped him across the face. It was a complete melt down. I just looked at one of the other moms and we just sort of exchanged the "Thank God that isn't my child" look. I had no idea where this munchkin's mother was, but if that had been my child, I would have been mortified by the way he was acting. There was no reason for that by any means.

That afternoon, I went to my internal medicine doctor and explained to him what had happened Tuesday night. He concluded that whatever it was was not involved with my glucose levels and he suspected my blood pressure got accelerated. It was hard to determine since I couldn't take my blood pressure. This scares me, because elevated blood pressure is a sign of the pre-eclampsia getting worse. I'm at a loss. Thankfully, I have several people asking around if I can borrow a blood pressure cuff until I can get mine out of storage.

No news from housing besides the "next week" statement. Bo's commander now wants a letter from housing stating why we haven't been placed yet and a date that we will be in our apartment. I think she might believe that we are putting it off to make money by staying in this hotel, but that isn't the case...believe me. I would rather be in a house by now than living in this stupid hotel!!! GRRRR!!!! Sometimes, when I see people check into this hotel, I want to look at them and say, "Welcome to The Hotel California." You know, that place where you can check out, but you can never leave...that is what is seems like. Afterall, we have been in a hotel for 63 days.

Anyway, here is my week 25 baby bump picture:

Week 25

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