Saturday, December 31, 2011

It's Been Awhile

So, the first post of the new year.

I want to first apologize to those who actually read my blog about not posting in two months. Since we moved out of the hotel, we have been on an internet card and the bandwidth was just not enough to support blogger and I was unable to post updates. So here is what has happened since my last post:

We got our place!! Hurray! It's a very nice 3 bedroom 2 bathroom 1st floor apartment here on one of the local posts. I really like the fact that I only have to climb a total of ten stairs to get to my front door and not 20 stairs or more, especially having a dog, a child, and a baby on the way. The first floor is the most practical. Anyway, the place is very nice. Much more spacious than we had originally anticipated. My only complaint is that my bathroom window faces the main road and the glass only "blurs" out what you can see on the inside, so after a lovely shower you can see everything. We had to get a curtain for the bathroom window, which wasn't so bad, but the only shelving in the bathroom is the large window ledge so that is a bit annoying. But, it is something I can definitely live with.

Amélie had her birthday party the Saturday before Thanksgiving. She had a blast. Quite a few kids showed up from her class and they all had fun. It was a bit strenuous, but as long as my baby girl had a good birthday, it was worth it.

Thanksgiving was nice. We went over to hubby's co-workers place and had dinner there. It was nice to be able to spend Thanksgiving with others and plus, I didn't have to cook, which didn't hurt my feelings.

On December 14 I was admitted into the hospital. I spent a total of 13 days there...including Christmas. I was allowed to go home a few days, for a few hours, but I was under strict monitoring. My blood pressure was pretty high and they were trying to get it under control. While I was in the hospital, I learned that I have placenta inefficiency, which basically means that the placenta isn't providing enough nutrients and/or oxygen to the baby in order to help her she is exceptionally small with some obvious growth problems. Her head is growing at a normal gestational rate, but her body is behind. The doctor believes that it has to do with my rising and dropping blood pressure, but I have a feeling it has something to do with my gastric bypass surgery I had in 2009. I can't provide proper nutrients for myself, so how would I be able to provide for a baby too? I keep wondering this and I am going to bring it up to my doctor at my next appointment. Anyway, long story short, I ended up having to get a series of steroid shots to help the baby's lung develop faster so if she has to be delivered early, her lungs will be more mature. At my last ultrasound, (December 27...that is also the day they let me come home) the baby had grown a little, but nowhere like she should be. I have an appointment this Tuesday which will determine if they want to go ahead and deliver her or if they think she is safe for another two weeks inside. I asked the doctor what he thought personally and he replied, "At this point, we really don't know until one or the other is done". Not really reassuring. Wednesday I will be 34 weeks pregnant and in what they consider a "safe zone". So we shall see what has happened in a week. I am pretty nervous because one of the leading causes of cerebral palsy is this placenta insufficiency. Apparently it is caused because of the lack of oxygen getting to the baby's brain while they are in utero. I mean, if they baby has it, she has it and there is nothing we can do, but it still worries the crap out of me that I could have caused this by getting pregnant after having gastric bypass. But, there is no point in worrying myself silly. What happens will happen...what is done is done...and I can't change the past, only hope for the best outcome.

BTW -  here is my 33 week pregnancy picture -

Got a little bigger since the last picture, huh? LoL

Anyway, now I am home...five days later...and on bedrest, which is driving me crazy...but if it is for the health of my baby then it is worth driving me crazy.

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