Monday, February 27, 2012

I Am Glad for Poopie Diapers...Not for Vomit.

Ahhh....temporary freedom (the hubby is holding the baby).

 I haven't updated in so long and I don't even know where to begin! So, I am just going to skip it all and start from today because that is all I can really do!

Amélie is sick. She isn't running a fever or have diarrhea, but vomits up everything she eats or drinks except water and saltine crackers. She has the doctor stumped. If she isn't better in two days, they want me to bring her back in. Poor kid is dying to go to school (it's Dr. Suess week), but I told her if she can't keep down her breakfast then she can't go to school.

Mckenna has pooped twice in two days after having to been taken to the ER on Thursday for severe constipation. They had to give her an enema, and I know she hated it, but I could tell she was relieved afterwards. Thankfully, she seems to be going number 2 just fine now. Guess maybe that switch to formula and cereal from straight breastmilk did a number on her...she just needed a little shove.

I had my postpartum check-up today. All seems well in that department. The doctor gave me the "okay" to start exercising again. Honestly, I am excited. I was an avid runner before I got pregnant and about six weeks into my pregnancy, the running motion just made me nauseated, so I stopped. I am pretty happy to get back into it again...I just have to pace myself because I know I can't just start in a full, now I have to do it in the time my hubby comes in from PT and work or figure out a way to make my jogging stroller work for Mckenna, who is honestly a little too small for it. I don't want to really put her in it until she is able to sit up on her own...maybe I should just settle for walking with her regular stroller until I can either A) come up with a better plan - like a sitter - or B) she gets big enough to sit in the jogger. Do they make infant adapters for those things???

At least I can get back into yoga...

Well, if I don't get the baby to sleep...I might not get any myself, so off I go. Good night!!


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