Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Baby Update

My doctor's appointment yesterday went really well. In fact, there will be no baby this week delivered because of size reasons, which is a good thing. Today I am only 34 weeks along and it is still too early to have her if there is a way we can hold out. She needs to cook a little longer.

The doctor gave me peace of mind. She checked all the vitals and she is getting plenty of oxygen and blood flow. So a lot of my worries have been subsided. She thinks the main growth problem in the placenta is the lack of nutrients. I asked if it could be because of my gastric bypass and she said no, it was HIGHLY unlikely, but it was something that shouldn't be ruled out completely. She and my main OB think it is because of my blood pressure, which is probably what it is. My body doesn't like being pregnant and due to rising blood pressure with my first daughter, I developed pre-eclampsia.

Anyhow, the doctor estimated she gained about 5 ounces in a week, which was really good. Her growth is still behind, but instead of being behind 4 weeks, she is only behind 2 weeks in size...well, her body anyhow. Her head is the size it should be. But, they are going to keep a close watch on me anyhow. I go back on Monday and if she has continued to grow and they decide not to deliver then, they are going to schedule me for a c-section sometime the first week of February. They think that since I had a c-section with my daughter and because most gastric bypass patients end up having to have a c-section anyway, that I should probably not try for a VBAC. Plus, with the issues, it just might be the safer route. If I have a planned c-section, my husband can be in there with me...if I had to have an emergency one, he wouldn't be allowed, so maybe it is the right choice.

Last night I actually got a good night's sleep. Something I haven't had in awhile. I think a combination of peace of mind about the baby's situation and that she removed her feet from my lungs, I was able to actually get some rest. I even napped after my daughter went to school this morning for several more hours. It was really nice to be able to SLEEP. I feel that I have been lacking a lot in that department.

One problem I have been having lately is stomach cramps...not uterus, but actual stomach. I have found that if I have some No Sugar Added Carnation Instant Breakfast that my stomach seems to stop hurting almost instantly...and this seems the be the ONLY thing that calms the cramping. I don't know what it is, but I really have to stay stocked up in that stuff!!

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